
  • input<typeof widgetPropsSchema>
    • WidgetProps


eventListeners?: EventListeners = ...

A set of non-blocking callback functions that are triggered in response to the widget events.

networkAssets?: NetworkAssets = ...
paymentDetails: {
    paymentOptions: Object;
} = paymentDetailsSchema

The details of the payment options for the checkout flow.

Type declaration

  • paymentOptions: Object
productDetails?: {
    description?: string;
    imageURI?: string;
    name: string;
    successText?: string;
    successURL?: string;
} = ...

The details of the checkout product.

Type declaration

  • Optional description?: string

    The description of the checkout product.

  • Optional imageURI?: string

    The image URI of the checkout product. Can be an URL, can be a data URI (e.g. inline Base64).

  • name: string

    The name of the checkout product.

  • Optional successText?: string

    Text shows on the success button in the final screen of the checkout.

  • Optional successURL?: string

    The URL to redirect to when the success button is clicked.

stepper?: {
    orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical";
} = ...

Whether the stepper UI component inside the widget is vertical or horizontal. Vertical is better supported.

Type declaration

  • orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical"
theme?: Omit<ThemeOptions, "unstable_sxConfig" | "unstable_strictMode"> = ...

The MUI theme object to style the widget. Learn more about it from the MUI documentation: https://mui.com/material-ui/customization/default-theme/

tokenList?: SuperTokenList = ...

The token list that contains Super Tokens and their underlying tokens.

walletManager?: WalletManager = ...

An interface for interacting with a wallet management library (e.g. Web3Modal, RainbowKit, ConnectKit etc).

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